Preserving aspects via automation: a maintainability study

TitlePreserving aspects via automation: a maintainability study
Publication TypeWorkshop Paper
AuthorsHovsepyan, A, Scandariato R, Van Baelen S, Joosen W, Demeyer S
Workshop NameEmpirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), 2011 International Symposium on
Year of Publication2011
Publication Languageeng

This paper presents an empirical study comparing two alternatives for generating code from aspect-oriented models. In an aspect "disrupting" process, an object oriented implementation in Java is automatically generated from domain specific models, comprising a mix of UML (for core functionality) and DSLs (for qualities like security and perfor mance). In an aspect "preserving" process, an aspect oriented implementation in AspectJ is automatically generated from the same models. In both alternatives, a number of subjects are asked to perform several maintenance tasks requiring the addition and improvement of functionality. The results show that, in most of the cases, the AO alternative provides for shorter maintenance cycles.


[Acceptance ratio: 33/103 = 32%]