Towards a Hybrid Transformation Language: Implicit and Explicit Rule Scheduling in Story Diagrams

TitleTowards a Hybrid Transformation Language: Implicit and Explicit Rule Scheduling in Story Diagrams
Publication TypeWorkshop Paper
AuthorsMeyers, B, Van Gorp P
Workshop NameSixth International Fujaba Days
Place PublishedDresden (Germany)
Year of Publication2008

Transformation rules can be controlled explicitly using language
constructs such as a loop or a conditional. This approach
is realized in Fujaba's Story Diagrams, in VMTS,
MOLA and Progres. Alternatively, transformation rules can
be controlled implicitly using a xed strategy. This approach
is realized in AGG and AToM3. When modeling transformation
systems using one approach exclusively, particular aspects
could have been expressed more intuitively using the
other approach. Unfortunately, most (if not all) transformation
languages do not enable one to model the control of
some rules explicitly while leaving the control of other rules
unspeci ed. Therefore, this paper proposes the extension
of Story Diagrams with support for implicit rule scheduling.
By relying on a UML pro le and on higher order transformations,
the language construct is not only executable on the
MoTMoT tool, but on any tool that supports the standard
UML syntax for Fujaba's Story Diagrams.