
On the detection of test smells version 2.0 (May 7th, 2007) This page provides links to the experimental material used in the context of the research paper On the detection of test smells. This paper...
Two UML models (ATM and EU-Rent) serving as requirements exemplars, in the sense meant by Feather et al.(1)
Does the "Refactor to Understand" Reengineering Pattern Improve Program Comprehension version 1.0 (December, 15th 2004) This page provides links to the experimental material used in the context of...
A Qualitative Investigation of UML Modeling Conventions version 1.0 (August, 21th 2006) This page provides links to the experimental material used in the context of the research paper A Qualitative...
Replication Package for the experiment performed to support the paper entitledDoes God Class Decomposition Affect Comprehensibility?