Lightweight Visualisations of COBOL Code for Supporting Migration to {SOA

TitleLightweight Visualisations of {COBOL} Code for Supporting Migration to {SOA
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsVan Geet, J, Demeyer S
Conference Name3rd International {ERCIM} Symposium on Software Evolution
Date Publishedoct

In this age of complex business landscapes, many enterprises turn to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for aligning their IT portfolio with their business. Because of the enormous business risk involved with replacing an enterprise's IT landscape, a stepwise migration to SOA is required. As a first step, they need to understand and assess the current structure of their legacy systems. Based on existing reverse engineering techniques, we provide visualisations to support this process for COBOL systems and present preliminary results of an ongoing industrial case study.