On stories, models and notations: Storyboard creation as an entry point for model-based interface development with UsiXML

TitleOn stories, models and notations: Storyboard creation as an entry point for model-based interface development with UsiXML
Publication TypeWorkshop Paper
AuthorsLuyten, K, Haesen M, Ostrowski D, Coninx K, Degrandsart S, Demeyer S
Secondary AuthorsFaure, D, Vanderdonckt J
Workshop Name1st Int. Workshop on User Interface Extensible Markup Language
PublisherThales Research and Technology France, Paris
Year of Publication2010
Publication Languageeng

Storyboards are excellent tools to create a high level specification of an interactive system. Because of the emphasis on graphical depiction they are both an accessible means for communicating the requirements and properties of an interactive system and allow the specification of complex context-aware systems while avoiding the need for technical details. We present a storyboard meta-model that captures the high level information from a storyboard and al- lows relating this information with other models that are common for engineering interactive systems. We show that a storyboard can be used as an entry point for using UsiXML models. Finally, this approach is accompanied by a tool set to make the connection between the storyboard model, UsiXML models and the program code required for maintaining these connections throughout the engineering process.
