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Workshop Paper
Würsch, M, Reif G, Demeyer S, Gall HC.  2010.  
Fostering Synergies - How Semantic Web Technology could influence Software Repositories.
Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE). Abstract
Lúcio, L, Mustafiz S, Denil J, Vangheluwe H, Jukšs M.  2013.  
FTG+PM: An Integrated Framework for Investigating Model Transformation Chains.
SDL 2013: Model-Driven Dependability Engineering. 7916:182-202.
Murgia, A, Pérez J, Demeyer S, Roover CD, Scholliers C, Jonckers V.  2013.  
Predicting Bug-Fixing Time using Bug Change History.
12th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution symposium (BENEVOL).