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Rompaey, BV, Demeyer S.  2009.  
Establishing Traceability Links between Unit Test Cases and Units under Test.
13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2009). Abstract
Rompaey, BV, Du Bois B, Demeyer S.  2006.  
Characterizing the Relative Significance of a Test Smell.
Proceedings {ICSM}'06 (the 22nd International Conference on Software Maintenance). :391-400.
Rompaey, BV, Demeyer S.  2008.  
Exploring the Composition of Unit Test Suites.
4th International ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution and Evolvability.
Rompaey, BV, Demeyer S.  2008.  
Estimation of Test Code Changes using Historical Release Data.
Proceedings {WCRE}'08 (Working Conference on Reverse Engineering). Abstract
Rieger, M, Rompaey BV, Demeyer S.  2007.  
Refactoring State Machines.
Sixth Nordic Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (VikingPloP). Abstract