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Mens, T, Demeyer S, Du Bois B, Stenten H, Van Gorp P.  2003.  
Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends.
Proceedings {LDTA}'03 (Third Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science – 72
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Enabling and Using the UML for Model-Driven Refactoring.
Proceedings {WOOR}'03 (ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). :37-40.
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Towards automating source-consistent UML refactorings.
Proceedings {UML}'03 ((The Sixth International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language)). LNCS 2863:144-159. Abstract