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Zaidman, A, Demeyer S.  2008.  
Automatic Identification of Key Classes in a Software System Using Webmining Techniques.
International Journal on Software Maintenance: Research and Practice. 20:387-417. Abstract
Zaidman, A, Calders T, Demeyer S, Paredaens J.  2004.  
Selective Introduction of Aspects for Program Comprehension.
Proceedings {WARE}'04 (WCRE Workshop on Aspect Reverse Engineering).
Zaidman, A, Adams B, De Schutter K, Demeyer S, Hoffman G, Ruyck BD.  2006.  
Regaining Lost Knowledge through Dynamic Analysis and Aspect Orientation - An Industrial Experience Report.
Proceedings {CSMR}'06 (the 10th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :89-98.
Zaidman, A, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Managing Trace Data volume through a heuristical clustering process based on event execution frequency.
Proceedings {CSMR}'04 (Euromicro Working Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering ). :329-338. Abstract
Zaidman, A, Du Bois B, Demeyer S.  2006.  
How Webmining and Coupling Metrics Can Improve Early Program Compehension.
Proceedings {ICPC}'06 (the 14th International Conference on Program Comprehension). :74-78.
Zaidman, A, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Using a Variant of Sliding Window to Reduce Event Trace Data.
Proceedings WOOR'03 (ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). :4-9.
Zaidman, A, Calders T, Demeyer S, Paredaens J.  2005.  
Applying Webmining Techniques to Execution Traces to Support the Programming Comprehension Process.
Proceedings {CSMR}'05(Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :134-142. Abstract
Zaidman, A, Rompaey BV, Demeyer S, van Deursen A.  2008.  
Mining software repositories to study co-evolution of production and test code..
Proceedings {ICST}'08 (The 1st International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation). :220-229. Abstract
Wuyts, R, Ducasse S, Demeyer S, Mens K.  2004.  
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Object-Oriented Technology ({ECOOP}'04 Workshop Reader). LNCS 3344
Würsch, M, Reif G, Demeyer S, Gall HC.  2010.  
Fostering Synergies - How Semantic Web Technology could influence Software Repositories.
Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation (SUITE). Abstract
Van Rysselberghe, F, Rieger M, Demeyer S.  2006.  
Detecting Move Operations in Versioning Information.
Proceedings {CSMR}'06 (the 10th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :271-278.
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Evaluating Clone Detection Techniques from a Refactoring Perspective.
Proceedings {ASE}'04 (Automated Software Engineering). :336-339. Abstract
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Studying Software Evolution using Clone Detection.
Proceedings WOOR'03 (ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). :71-75.
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Reconstruction of Successful Software Evolution Using Clone Detection.
Proceedings {IWPSE}'03 (International Workshop on principles of software evolution). :126-130.
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Mining Version Control Systems for FACs (Frequently Applied Changes).
Proceedings {MSR}'04 (International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories). :48-52. Abstract
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Studying Software Evolution Information By Visualizing the Change History.
Proceedings {ICSM}'04 (International Conference on Software Maintenance). :328-337. Abstract
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Evaluating Clone Detection Techniques.
Proceedings {ELISA}'03 (International Workshop on Evolution of Large-scale Industrial Software Applications). :25-36.
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Enabling and Using the UML for Model-Driven Refactoring.
Proceedings {WOOR}'03 (ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). :37-40.
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Towards automating source-consistent UML refactorings.
Proceedings {UML}'03 ((The Sixth International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language)). LNCS 2863:144-159. Abstract
Van Geet, J, Demeyer S.  2009.  
Feature Location in COBOL Mainframe Systems: an Experience Report.
Proceedings {ICSM}'09 (the 25th International Conference on Software Maintenance). Abstract
Van Geet, J, Ebraert P, Demeyer S.  2010.  
Redocumentation of a Legacy Banking System: An Experience Report.
Proceedings {IWPSE-EVOL} '10 (4th International Joint ERCIM/IWPSE Symposium on Software Evolution). Abstract
Van Geet, J, Demeyer S.  2007.  
Lightweight Visualisations of COBOL Code for Supporting Migration to {SOA.
3rd International {ERCIM} Symposium on Software Evolution. Abstract