Test smells

On the detection of test smells

version 2.0 (May 7th, 2007)

This page provides links to the experimental material used in the context of the research paper On the detection of test smells. This paper was written by Bart Van Rompaey, Bart Du Bois, Serge Demeyer and Matthias Rieger,currently under review.


The presented material consists of:

  • The syntax-highlighted, cross-referenced HTML representation of the source code for ArgoUML, Maven, PMD and JFreeChart. The actual questionnaires also link to individual pages with test fragments on these locations.
  • The material to conduct the experiment, consisting of the set of questionnaires as well as training slides, is packed in a 1Mb zip-file that can be downloaded here.
  • The data analysis, consisting of the raw data results, R scripts and an Excel sheet, is packed in a 59Kb package.

The packages contain all the experimental material used during the experimental runs, thus supporting the repeatability of the empirical test, and its replication to further improve statistical conclusion validity.

For further information, please direct your questions to bart dot vanrompaey2 at ua dot ac dot be.