UML Models (EU rent and ATM)

Two UML models (ATM and EU-Rent) serving as requirements exemplars, in the sense meant by Feather et al.(1)

  • ATM: The ATM case describes an automated teller machine (ATM) as adapted from Briand et al. (L. Briand, Y. Labiche, and L. O’Sullivan, “Impact Analysis and Change Management of UML Models,” Carleton University, Tech. Rep. SCE-03-01, 2003). At the ATM the customer enters the PIN and is then allowed to withdraw and deposit money. At the end of the transaction a receipt is printed. The ATM case was originally developed by Russell Bjork at Gordon University ( and variants of it are used by many researchers such as, Bellur et al., Briand et al., Simmonds et al. and Avik et al..
  • EU-Rent: The EU-Rent case describes a (fictitious) car rental company and was developed by Model Systems, Ltd., along with several other organizations. The specification was afterwards adapted by Antoni Olive ́ et al. and published as a technical report (L. Frias, A. Queralt, and A. Oliv, “EU-Rent Car Rentals Specification,” LSI Research Report, Tech. Rep. LSI-03-59-R, 2003). In this examplar, the EU-Rent company provides rental services through branches in several countries. In the system information about the cars, branches, rentals and the customers is collected. This case is used by various authors, as for example by Cabot et al., Costal et al., and Romero et al..

(1) M. S. Feather, S. Fickas, A. Finkelstein, and A. V. Lamsweerde, “Requirements and Specification Exemplars,” Automated Software Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 419–438, Oct. 1997.