The 2010~2011 Annual Moves Event will take place on the 7th of February and it will be hosted by the University of Antwerp.
We have decided to do the 2010 annual event at the begining of 2011 for two main reasons: On one hand, a large effort was spent on the ex-post evaluation of the network in the second part of the year, which did not leave room for organizing an annual event. On the other hand, 2011 will be the last year of the current incarnation of the IAP, and towards the end of 2011 we will be organizing a closing event. This means that in 2011 there would be no annual event as we know it. By moving the 2010 event to early 2011, this is resolved.
As with previous annual events, the program will be split in two: Status reports by each of the work-packages, and research presentations. In addition to this, we will again organize a Poster Session. Please send an e-mail to with the title of your poster.
All posters submitted by MoVES members should refer to the fact that they are funded by Belspo. The logo of Belspo can be downloaded from documents)
10:00 Coffee Break + Poster setup
10:30 Welcome: Theo D’Hondt
WP's Status Updates
10:40 WP1
10:50 WP2
11:00 WP3
11:10 WP4
11:20 WP5
11:30 WP6
11:40 WP7
12:00 Report on ASE2010 Organization
12:15 Lunch + Poster Session + Management Meeting
Research Presentations
13:20 Presentation of MoVES Most Promising Young Researcher Award
13:30 On evil clones, how to manage them… and the “social thing”- Andy Zaidman TUDelft
14:00 An Automata-Based Symbolic Approach for Verifying Programs on Relaxed Memory Models, Alexander Linden (joint work with Pierre Wolper),University of Liège.
15:00 Change-centric development: Striving for agility without sacrificing reliability - Serge Demeyer University of Antwerp
15:30 Coffee Break
15:40 Poster Award
16:00 Formal Analysis of Safety-Critical Medial Processes - Bernard Lambeau. University of Louvain, Department of Computer Science (UCL/EPL/INGI)
16:30 Closing