DEVS for AUTOSAR platform modelling

TitleDEVS for AUTOSAR platform modelling
Publication TypeWorkshop Paper
AuthorsDenil, J, Vangheluwe H, Ramaekers P, De Meulenaere P, Demeyer S
Workshop NameProceedings {SPRINGSIM TMS-DEVS}'2011 (2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference)
Year of Publication2011
Date Publishedapr
Publication Languageeng

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized automotive software architecture, developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers and tool developers. Its design is a direct consequence of the increasingly important role software plays in vehicles. As design choices during the software deployment phase may have a large impact on the real-time properties of the system, designers need a method to explore various trade-offs. In this paper we evaluate the appropriateness of DEVS, the Discrete-Event system Specification, for modelling and subsequent performance evaluation of AUTOSAR-based systems. We demonstrate and validate our work by means of a power window and ABS case study.


[acceptance ratio: 28+11/91 = 42%]