Title | Predicting the Severity of a Reported Bug |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Authors | Lamkanfi, A, Demeyer S, Giger E, Goethals B |
Conference Name | Proceedings {MSR}'10 (7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories) |
Publisher | IEEE Press |
Abstract | The severity of a reported bug is a critical factor in deciding how soon it needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, while clear guidelines exist on how to assign the severity of a bug, it remains an inherent manual process left to the person reporting the bug. In this paper we investigate whether we can accurately predict the severity of a reported bug by analyzing its textual description using text mining algorithms. Based on three cases drawn from the open-source community (Mozilla, Eclipse and GNOME), we conclude that given a training set of sufficient size (approximately 500 reports per severity), it is possible to predict the severity with a reasonable accuracy (both precision and recall vary between 0.65-0.75 with Mozilla and Eclipse; 0.70-0.85 in the case of GNOME). |