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Pérez, J, Mens T, Kamseu F.  2013.  
A Pilot Study on Software Quality Practices in Belgian Industry.
17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR). :395-398.
Degrandsart, S, Demeyer S, Mens T.  2010.  
Using Model Transformation to Facilitate Dynamic Context Adaptation.
2nd International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development {FTMDD2010}. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S, Verelst J, Mens T, Temmerman M.  2006.  
Does God Class Decomposition Affect Comprehensibility?
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering. :346-355.
Mens, T, Van Eetvelde N, Demeyer S, Janssens D.  2005.  
Formalizing Refactorings with Graph Transformations.
International Journal on Software Maintenance: Research and Practice. 15:247-276. Abstract
Mens, T, Wermelinger M, Ducasse S, Demeyer S, Hirschfeld R.  2005.  
Challenges in Software Evolution.
Proceedings {IWPSE}'05 (8th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution). :123-131. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Van Rysselberghe F, Gîrba T, Ratzinger J, Marinescu R, Mens T, Du Bois B, Janssens D, Ducasse S, Lanza M et al..  2005.  
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Teaching Example.
Proceedings {IWPSE}'05 (8th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution). :123-131. Abstract
Van Rysselberghe, F, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Evaluating Clone Detection Techniques.
Proceedings {ELISA}'03 (International Workshop on Evolution of Large-scale Industrial Software Applications). :25-36.
Mens, T, Demeyer S, Du Bois B, Stenten H, Van Gorp P.  2003.  
Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends.
Proceedings {LDTA}'03 (Third Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science – 72
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Enabling and Using the UML for Model-Driven Refactoring.
Proceedings {WOOR}'03 (ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). :37-40.
Van Gorp, P, Stenten H, Mens T, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Towards automating source-consistent UML refactorings.
Proceedings {UML}'03 ((The Sixth International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language)). LNCS 2863:144-159. Abstract