For all types of solicited submissions, the topic should be of direct interest to the maintenance,evolution, migration and reengineering community. A non-limitative list of such topics is given below:
- Methods and techniques to assess, enable, improve and certify maintainability and evolvability of software intensive systems.
- Techniques and approaches for software analysis, comprehension, and reconstruction.
- Software architecture recovery
- Program analysis and slicing
- Dynamic analysis
- Program transformation and refactoring
- Tools, formalisms and methods supporting the evolution and reverse engineering of software systems, software architectures and software models.
- Visualization techniques and tools
- Preprocessing, parsing and fact extraction
- Process models for software maintenance, reengineering, and evolution.
- Experience reports on maintenance and reengineering of large-scale and distributed systems.
- Empirical studies in software reengineering, maintenance, evolution, reverse engineering, and renovation.
- Evaluation, assessment and benchmarks of reverse engineering and reengineering tools.
- Concept and feature location
- Object and aspect identification
- Education-related issues to evolution, maintenance, reengineering and reverse engineering.
- Model-driven reengineering
- User interface reengineering
- Performance re-engineering
- Data reverse engineering
- Binary reverse engineering
- Language support for software maintenance and evolution.
- Migration and evolution in emerging paradigms (SOA, cloud, AOP, multi-core computing and the like).
- Re-documenting legacy systems
- Mining software repositories
- Wrapping techniques
- Reengineering patterns
- Reverse engineering for security assessment
- Reverse engineering of service-oriented systems