The workshops provide a forum for researchers to exchange and discuss their early innovative scientific ideas in software maintenance and reverse-engineering. Young students can get initial feedback on their first research endeavours, while more seasoned researchers get the opportunity to brainstorm with their peers about emerging topics in their field.
We currently solicit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. Workshops can be full or half day, and devoted to a specific topic of interest in the software maintenance or reverse-engineering domain, ranging from theoretical underpinnings to practical applications or case studies. We particularly encourage workshops that bring together complimentary disciplines outside of traditional software engineering.
Workshops are characterized by a focused topic, lively discussion, and enthusiastic participants (typical group size is between 10 and 20 participants). Workshop proposals should include the following information (with a maximum of at most 2 pages in IEEE proceedings format):
Workshop proposals will be judged on their originality, relevance to the field of software maintenance and reverse engineering, the expected level of interest in the topic, and the organizers’ ability to lead a successful workshop.
The best papers of the workshops (including editorials) will be selected for a Special issue of a journal (pending agreement with the publisher).
Submission of a 1-2 page proposal in IEEE proceedings format is via EasyChair
Submission proposal: September 20, 2013
Author notification: October 14, 2013
Alexander Serebrenik, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Emily Hill, Montclair State University, USA