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Ducasse, S, Gîrba T, Lanza M, Demeyer S.  2005.  
Moose: a Collaborative and Extensible Reengineering Environment.
Tools for Software Maintenance and Reengineering. :55-71.
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Opportunities and challenges in deriving metric impacts from refactoring postconditions.
Proceedings {WOOR}'04 (ECOOP'04 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). Abstract
Du Bois, B, Lange CFJ, Demeyer S, Chaudron MRV.  2007.  
A Qualitative Investigation of UML Modeling Conventions.
Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006. LNCS 4364:91-100. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Accommodating Changing Requirements with {EJB.
Proceedings {OOIS}'03 (Object-Oriented Information Systems). LNCS 2817:152-163. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S, Verelst J.  2005.  
Does the Reengineering Pattern ``Refactor to Understand'' Improve Program Comprehension?
Proceedings {CSMR}'05(Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :334-343. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Verelst J, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Refactoring - Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code.
Proceedings {WCRE}'04 (Working Conference on Reverse Engineering). :144-151. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S, Verelst J, Mens T, Temmerman M.  2006.  
Does God Class Decomposition Affect Comprehensibility?
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering. :346-355.
Dingel, J, Lúcio L, Vangheluwe H, Varró D.  2012.  
Summary of the First Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations. :1–2.
Denil, J, Demeyer S, De Meulenaere P, Vanstechelman K, Maudens K.  2011.  
Migrating from a Proprietary RTOS to the OSEK Standard Using a Wrapper.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Solutions on Embedded Systems.
Denil, J, Demeyer S, De Meulenaere P, Vanstechelman K, Maudens K.  2009.  
Wrapping a Real-time Operating System with an OSEK Compliant Interface — a Feasibility Study.
Intelligent solutions in Embedded Systems, 2009 Seventh Workshop on. :157–164.
Denil, J, Vangheluwe H, Ramaekers P, De Meulenaere P, Demeyer S.  2011.  
DEVS for AUTOSAR platform modelling.
Proceedings {SPRINGSIM TMS-DEVS}'2011 (2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference). :67-74. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Ducasse S, Guéhéneuc Y-G, Mens K, Wuyts R.  2006.  
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Object-Oriented Technology ({ECOOP}'06 Workshop Reader). LNCS xxx
Demeyer, S, Perrot J-F.  2009.  
Guest Editor Introduction.
Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. 35:1.
Demeyer, S.  2005.  
Refactor Conditionals into Polymorphism: What is the Performance Cost of Introducing Virtual Calls ?
Proceedings {ICSM}'05 (International Conference on Software Maintenance). :627-630. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Murgia A, Wyckmans K, Lamkanfi A.  2013.  
Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis on Past MSR Papers.
Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. :353–362.
Demeyer, S.  2008.  
Object-oriented Reengineering.
Software Evolution.
Demeyer, S.  2012.  
Where is the ''business'' case for software clones?
{Software Clone Management Towards Industrial Application (Dagstuhl Seminar 12071)}. 2:27–28.
Demeyer, S, Ducasse S, Mens K, Trifu A, Vasa R, Van Rysselberghe F.  2004.  
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Object-Oriented Technology ({ECOOP}'03 Workshop Reader). LNCS 3013
Demeyer, S, Van Rysselberghe F, Gîrba T, Ratzinger J, Marinescu R, Mens T, Du Bois B, Janssens D, Ducasse S, Lanza M et al..  2005.  
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Teaching Example.
Proceedings {IWPSE}'05 (8th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution). :123-131. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Du Bois B, Rieger M, Rompaey BV.  2007.  
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Lab Session.
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools.
Degrandsart, S, Demeyer S, Mens T.  2010.  
Using Model Transformation to Facilitate Dynamic Context Adaptation.
2nd International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development {FTMDD2010}. Abstract