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Degrandsart, S, Demeyer S, Mens T.  2010.  
Using Model Transformation to Facilitate Dynamic Context Adaptation.
2nd International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development {FTMDD2010}. Abstract
Demeyer, S.  2008.  
Object-oriented Reengineering.
Software Evolution.
Demeyer, S, Murgia A, Wyckmans K, Lamkanfi A.  2013.  
Happy Birthday! A Trend Analysis on Past MSR Papers.
Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. :353–362.
Demeyer, S.  2012.  
Where is the ''business'' case for software clones?
{Software Clone Management Towards Industrial Application (Dagstuhl Seminar 12071)}. 2:27–28.
Demeyer, S.  2005.  
Refactor Conditionals into Polymorphism: What is the Performance Cost of Introducing Virtual Calls ?
Proceedings {ICSM}'05 (International Conference on Software Maintenance). :627-630. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Ducasse S, Guéhéneuc Y-G, Mens K, Wuyts R.  2006.  
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Object-Oriented Technology ({ECOOP}'06 Workshop Reader). LNCS xxx
Demeyer, S, Perrot J-F.  2009.  
Guest Editor Introduction.
Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. 35:1.
Demeyer, S, Ducasse S, Mens K, Trifu A, Vasa R, Van Rysselberghe F.  2004.  
Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Object-Oriented Technology ({ECOOP}'03 Workshop Reader). LNCS 3013
Demeyer, S, Van Rysselberghe F, Gîrba T, Ratzinger J, Marinescu R, Mens T, Du Bois B, Janssens D, Ducasse S, Lanza M et al..  2005.  
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Teaching Example.
Proceedings {IWPSE}'05 (8th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution). :123-131. Abstract
Demeyer, S, Du Bois B, Rieger M, Rompaey BV.  2007.  
The LAN-simulation: A Refactoring Lab Session.
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools.
Denil, J, Demeyer S, De Meulenaere P, Vanstechelman K, Maudens K.  2011.  
Migrating from a Proprietary RTOS to the OSEK Standard Using a Wrapper.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Solutions on Embedded Systems.
Denil, J, Vangheluwe H, Ramaekers P, De Meulenaere P, Demeyer S.  2011.  
DEVS for AUTOSAR platform modelling.
Proceedings {SPRINGSIM TMS-DEVS}'2011 (2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference). :67-74. Abstract
Denil, J, Demeyer S, De Meulenaere P, Vanstechelman K, Maudens K.  2009.  
Wrapping a Real-time Operating System with an OSEK Compliant Interface — a Feasibility Study.
Intelligent solutions in Embedded Systems, 2009 Seventh Workshop on. :157–164.
Du Bois, B, Verelst J, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Refactoring - Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code.
Proceedings {WCRE}'04 (Working Conference on Reverse Engineering). :144-151. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Lange CFJ, Demeyer S, Chaudron MRV.  2007.  
A Qualitative Investigation of UML Modeling Conventions.
Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006. LNCS 4364:91-100. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S, Verelst J.  2005.  
Does the Reengineering Pattern ``Refactor to Understand'' Improve Program Comprehension?
Proceedings {CSMR}'05(Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :334-343. Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S.  2004.  
Opportunities and challenges in deriving metric impacts from refactoring postconditions.
Proceedings {WOOR}'04 (ECOOP'04 Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-engineering). Abstract
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S, Verelst J, Mens T, Temmerman M.  2006.  
Does God Class Decomposition Affect Comprehensibility?
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering. :346-355.
Du Bois, B, Demeyer S.  2003.  
Accommodating Changing Requirements with {EJB.
Proceedings {OOIS}'03 (Object-Oriented Information Systems). LNCS 2817:152-163. Abstract